SOLD!!! Emerald Ring set in Bronze size 6.5

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SOLD!!! Emerald Ring set in Bronze size 6.5


St. Hildegard of Bingen, the noted lithologist, declared, “All the green of nature is concentrated within the Emerald.” [Megemont, 80-81] Representing youth in the age of man, the power of this lush crystal stirs the soul like the heart of spring, symbolizing hope and the future, renewal and growth. It is a Seeker of Love and a Revealer of Truth, inspiring an ongoing search for meaning, justice, compassion and harmony.

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Emerald is an excellent stone for reviving passion, whether for an interest, a person, or a job. To attract romantic love, wear or carry an Emerald out of sight near the heart. To call back an estranged love, speak the words you wish to say holding the stone close to your lips and seal it in an envelope. If appropriate, send it to the person with a message.